The Food of the Gods (continued . . .)

You can’t go in there ! The next instant . . . Aaaaaaaaagggh ! The commander of the outpost was still in bed. He was rudely awakened when his door was kicked open. By all the demons of Daveli ! Get up . . . or perish where you lie. Later, back at Trigan City Army Headquarters. Outpost seven haven’t reported-in this morning, Sir. Can’t get any reply out of them. Get me Air Fleet operations room . . . emergency ! The Emperor’s nephew, Janno, was a duty pilot that fateful morning. Get airborne ! Fly to outpost seven ! Land and report the situation there ! Acknowledged.
It was a short ultra-sonic hop to the clearing in the forest of Vorg where the outpost lay. The place looks perfectly normal from here. He landed and climbed out of his craft—to be immediately surrounded. What are you lads doing here ? The outpost is ours. We have— eliminated the garrison. You, however, can be of some use to us. Later that morning, Janno’s fighting-craft came in for touch-down at its base. Here comes Janno. Now we’ll find out why he hasn’t reported-in about the situation at outpost seven. At the last moment, the fighting-craft turned sharply . . . What’s Janno doing ? . . . and dived to the attack !

This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 663 on 28 September 1974.


The Food of the Gods (continued . . .)

The two scientists backed away, beating off the tiny forms and their slashing talons. Close the door, or we’re done for ! Safe inside, they stared out at their assailants. They’ve turned into fighting- mad killers ! But . . . why ? . . . How ? In the lunar months that followed, the strange plant gave forth a berry-like fruit. A party of schoolboys from Trigan City were camping in the forest of Vorg, under the charge of their master. Go exploring, by all means, but mind you’re all back in camp by the time the suns set. Later . . . These berries look good. I’m going to try one ! Watch it. They might be poisonous. What’s it taste like ? It’s . . . it’s . . . fantastic ! Try some for yourselves.
Towards sunset . . . Where are those confounded lads ? I told them to be back by now. So there you are. About time, too ! Why are you looking at me like that ? Don’t . . . don’t play games. Get him ! Destroy him ! He ran for his life and they followed, baying like animals. No ! No ! Ga-a-a-ah ! E-e-e-e-e-eeeeehhh ! At dawn next day, the boys approached a nearby Trigan army outpost. The sentry was all unsuspecting . . . Hello, lads. What can I do for you, eh ? Hey ! What’s come over you ?

This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 662 on 21 September 1974.


The Food of the Gods

It was in the fourth lunar month of the year of Zooth that an astral phenomenon was observed in the sky above Elekton. Countless multitudes saw it, wondering at its brightness that turned the night to day. It’s a shooting star ! I never saw such a shooting star before in my life ! Elekton’s top scientist, Peric, had the answer to the strange object in the sky. It is an exploded world ! Somewhere out in space, a world like ours blew up into fragments. The thing that passed through our outer atmosphere was one of the pieces of that destroyed planet ! The phenomenon passed on its way into the trackless wilderness of outer space. But, high in the upper atmosphere of Elekton, a cloud of strange particles remained and slowly descended. The particles were seeds. They fell upon the surface of the planet, widely scattered. Presently, they put forth small white flowers . . . Some distance from Trigan City, a herdsmen played his pipe and idly watched his flock.
Suddenly . . . They’re surrounding me ! Then, sheer blind panic ! No ! No ! Keep away from me ! The creatures closed in upon him, their baaing drowning his screams. Some time later, Peric chanced to visit a botanist friend of his. This species is unknown to me, Beris. What is its name ? To be frank, my dear fellow, it also a total stranger to me. It has suddenly started to grow in considerable abundance on the Plain of Vorg. The local bird life will soon make short work of your specimen, Beris. So it appears. I had not noticed that before. And then . . . By all the stars ! They—they’re coming at us, Peric ! Aaaaaaah ! Run for your life, Beris !

This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 661 on 14 September 1974.