Posted on February 27, 2021June 19, 2023The Giant Plant (continued . . .) A dishevelled figure on a stolen kreed was riding through a lonely valley. Suddenly—the hiss of an arrow ! Aaaaagh ! He was instantly surrounded by Lokans. This time I shall not miss ! No ! Save him for the leader— he takes a special delight in dispatching Trigan curs ! The prisoner was dragged before the leader of the renegade band. Trigan ! I regret that you will not live a little longer, to see your capital city in ruins and your empire collapse in confusion ! No ! Wait ! I have a request. What's this ? Let me live to see the accursed Emperor Trigo slain before my eyes. Then I will die happy ! Who are you, Trigan ? You look like a slave, yet you speak like a warrior ! I am Tax Toru— formerly commander of the Trigan Imperial Guard, until I was disgraced by the judgment of Trigo and sent to slave in the mines. I escaped this morning, and I only live for vengeance ! You please me, Tax Toru. A man driven on by hatred is a good ally. Your wish will be granted, and you shall help us in our plan— tonight ! That night, disguised as desert traders, Tax Toru and two Lokans entered the city gates with a wagon. Looking and speaking like a Trigan subject, the escaped convict aroused no suspicions. We bring a load of vegetables for the market. Pass through ! They came to a dark street. Release the rallus ! A tumbling host of squealing rallus emerged from a cage within the wagon, and scuttled into the dark entrance. Tax Toru was puzzled. How can they destroy Trigan City ? Parts of the city are already infested with them. Ah !—But those are special rallus ! Quiet, fool ! He is not to be told the secret ! Two days later, a market was held in the great square of the city. When the twin suns of Elekton were high in the sky— it happened ! There was a thunder of countless flying feet. Market stalls were overturned in confusion. And a host of giant rallus hurled themselves at the panic-stricken crowd. Eeeeeeeh ! —look ! By all the stars ! Aaaaaah ! This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 476 on 27 February 1971.
Posted on February 6, 2021January 27, 2025The Thing from the Sea (continued . . .) As Sorra raised her hands to strike—Janno entered. Uncle ! We’ve returned— and all’s well ! Nephew ! Sorra switched her aim to Janno ! You shall be the first to perish ! The three Trigans threw themselves aside as the searing green flame tore past. It struck the prisoner—Ura Zircon, Lord of the Planet Thalla ! Uuuuuh . . . Father ! Father and daughter ? I don't understand . . . She’s a Thallan— and was infiltrated into the palace to kill you. Janno told his uncle about the Thallans' search for a new planet. What's this strange power she has ? It’s some kind of electro-magnetic force they can aim from the fingertips—they all have it, which is why we tied Ura Zircon’s hands behind him. And then—Ura Zircon opened his eyes. Oh, Father . . . It is fortunate that the force which would have killed a Trigan was only sufficient to stun me. There was no fight left in the Lord of Thalla. I have failed. My people are at your mercy—what are you going to do with us ? That is for the Imperial Council to decide. That same day, the council of the Empire met to decide the fate of the Thallans. Trigo listened to their views. These monsters should be destroyed ! No—send them back where they came from ! Kill them, I say ! And then . . . I say NO ! There will be no more killing. The Trigan Empire has absorbed many peoples within its boundaries—why not the Thallans ? So it was that the Thallan survivors were brought before the Emperor. You will be given a vast area on the bed of the Great Ocean. Develop it —build your cities— raise your crops—and live in peace. Thank you, Imperial Majesty ! Later, Trigo spoke with Ura Zircon. Tell me—why did you choose Elekton for conquest ? It was the most suitable for our needs. We made many exploratory journeys to other planets . . . Ura continued . . . “including Earth. No doubt we alarmed them . . .” I wonder if the people of that planet could have defeated you —as we did ! This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 473 on 6 February 1971.
Posted on January 30, 2021February 20, 2024The Thing from the Sea (continued . . .) With a wrench at the controls, Janno brought the deadly head of the destroying unit down upon its parent machine. The work of destruction was swift—and final ! All lights failed inside the great dome, and lurid explosions rent it asunder. With shock waves pounding at his head, Janno felt himself rising through the riven roof. His head broke surface. Looking about him, he saw two floating figures in familiar garb. Keren and Roffa ! He seized his comrades. They are still alive ! Then—the sound of powerful engines overhead. A Trigan patrol craft—and it’s seen us ! Moments later, willing hands were lifting Janno and his companions aboard the craft. Who's that ? It was one of the Thallans. Who is he, then ? One of our enemies ! And then—Janno found himself staring into the face of Ura Zircon ! Ura Zircon ! Send a message to His Imperial Majesty—tell him that the menace is destroyed, and that we are returning with Ura Zircon, Lord of the planet Thalla ! The message reached the Emperor Trigo. My nephew Janno is alive ! He says that the infernal underwater machines have been destroyed ! Alone with his secretary, the Emperor pondered. He says he is returning with Ura Zircon, Lord of the planet Thalla—who might he be ? That you will not live to discover, proud Emperor ! Ura Zircon's daughter extended her hands . . . You will receive the full force of my destructive power— the killing force ! This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 472 on 30 January 1971.