Posted on February 8, 2025February 10, 2025The Heat Controller This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 682 on 8 February 1975.
Posted on October 12, 2024October 12, 2024The Food of the Gods (continued . . .) Janno dived headlong for the undergrowth, with projectiles slashing past him like meteorites. He lay still, while his merciless pursuers searched the forest all round him. No sign of him. He’s escaped us. What does it matter ? He’s a nobody. The self-appointed leader of the super-creatures produced a handful of the deadly fruit. We will continue with our plans of conquest. But first . . . we will feast again off the food of the gods. Janno stayed hidden till nightfall. He then set off for Trigan City, reaching there at daybreak. I’ll report to my uncle at once. Those boys are a real danger and must be stopped immediately. But . . . Look ! It’s Janno ! Cut him down ! Only Janno’s quick wits and lightning physical reactions saved him. By all the stars ! Why are my own people shooting at me on sight ? He soon learned the answer . . . Did we get him ? I hope so ! We’ll be commended by the Emperor for wiping out the traitor who attacked the air base. I’ve been declared a traitor ! Following the mysterious attack upon the air base, the Trigan armoured corps were put on the alert. None of the soldiers took any notice of a group of boys watching nearby. We’ll take these war- machines and use them to destroy Trigan City ! Peric was working in his laboratory that fateful morning, when a sound at the open window made him turn. Peric. Aaaaah . . . You. The great scientist’s hand groped for a button . . . Peric. Something terrible is happening . . . Immediately, the young Air Fleet pilot was enveloped in twin clouds of choking red gas ! Aaaaaaagh ! Fool ! Do you think I am without protection here ? This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 665 on 12 October 1974.
Posted on October 5, 2024October 5, 2024The Food of the Gods (continued . . .) Again and again, the fighting-craft came in with guns blazing. Open fire on him ! The defenders never had time to strike back. Then the attacker streaked off. You’ll pay for this day’s work, Janno—you foul traitor ! The news was brought to the Emperor Trigo. My own nephew, you say ? Is there no possibility of a mistake in the identification of the craft ? None at all, Imperial Majesty. It was Lord Janno’s craft—and he has caused havoc at the base ! That craft—or my nephew—are to be attacked and destroyed on sight. Yes, Imperial Majesty. Alone, Trigo could only ponder and grieve. Janno ! Why did you do it, lad ? Why ? . . . Why ? At that same moment, Janno was watching his own craft coming in to land at outpost seven. How does he do it ? . . . It’s unbelievable ! He met the grinning face of the boys’ leader. I’ve just wiped out half your base. Not bad for a beginner-pilot, eh ? But—I only showed you the basic controls, with someone prodding me in the back with the muzzle of a gun. If I’d guessed that you could have even got it up into the air . . . How could you have guessed . . . about us ? Something has happened to us. Not only has our physical strength greatly increased, but our mental powers also. We are super-creatures ! A pity you will not be around to see us masters of Elekton, Janno ! Eliminate him ! Janno saw the weapon coming up on aim. He ducked . . . Aaaaagh ! Get him ! Shoot him down ! Janno ran for his life. Feet, don’t fail me now ! This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 664 on 5 October 1974.