The Curse of King Yutta (continued . . .)

Above the muzzle of the levelled weapon, Janno saw the eyes that he knew so well. So you’re the one behind it all ! You, who were appointed my bodyguard, have been trying to destroy me all this time ! A question sprang to Janno’s lips— and Sweya gave a contemptuous laugh. And what of King Yutta’s Mummy ? The Mummy ? —Hah ! I am not alone in this, Janno. My orders are to kill you, which is a pity, since I quite like you. But there it is . . . goodbye, Janno. Bla-a-a-mm ! At the precise moment that he saw Sweya’s finger tighten on the trigger, Janno threw himself sideways ! And then . . . Aaaaaagh ! . . . He leapt into action ! Uuuuh . . . Looking down at the unconscious face beneath him, a chord of memory stirred in Janno’s mind. That voice ! The voice I heard coming from the Mummy—now I know where I heard it before !

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 566 on 18 November 1972.


The Curse of King Yutta (continued . . .)

The Emperor sent for Janno and his bodyguard the following morning. I would remind you, Nephew, that your father is at death’s door. If anything happens to me, you may well become the next Emperor of the Trigans. To secure the succession, I am going to send you away—secretly—to a lonely island . . . When Elekton’s twin suns were at the zenith, Janno was flying over the trackless Great Ocean, piloted by Sweya. The island is dead ahead, according to my calculations. I have it in visual contact. Stand by for a landing. The island had been well-chosen, being far from normal air and sea routes. Not bad. We’ll be quite comfortable here for a lunar month or so. When they had landed . . . I’ll have a scout around our new home. I’ll join you just as soon as I’ve unloaded these provisions. Some time later, at the far side of the small island, a moving shadow fell across Janno. He turned . . . Who’s that ? You ! Suddenly face-to-face with death, Janno felt no fear—only shocked surprise !

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 565 on 11 November 1972.


The Curse of King Yutta (continued . . .)

And so, day and night, Lieutenant Sweya guarded the life of the Emperor’s nephew. Can’t I even go in for a swim ? No ! Remember what happened to Obolom ! Suddenly . . . it happened ! Aaaaaah ! Janno peered down into a shadowy courtyard—in time to see a strange figure flit from sight. Oh no ! It’s—the Mummy of King Yutta !

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 564 on 4 November 1972.