The Thing from the Sea (continued . . .)

Inside the alien mass that crouched like a submerged monster of the deep . . . . . . Janno, Keren and Roffa were imprisoned in airtight capsules of transparent fibre. All about them, the inhabitants of the vast, water-filled interior went about their tasks. Suddenly, the water level began to drop —and the strange people placed curiously- shaped devices into their throats. When the water had gone, the three captives were released from the capsules and led towards a commanding figure. So ! The Trigan prisoners ! And who are you ? I am Ura Zircon, Lord of the planet Thalla.
Our mother planet lies in the distant galaxy of Cerris, and is entirely covered by water. We are a water-breathing people. Regrettably, Thalla is moving inexorably nearer to one of its suns, which means that the surface of the planet will one day be a boiling mass . . . Mindful of my people's peril, I caused this conquest- machine to be constructed, so that we could leave Thalla and win another planet for our home. When all was ready, we launched ourselves in the machine and journeyed to Elekton—a planet whose way of life, speech and customs we had studied by long-range systems in our technology. Since then, the destroying units of the machine have been doing their work. Soon—with all civilisation in chaos —Elekton will be ours ! The three Trigans listened in awe and alarm to the rest of Ura Zircon's speech. Armed with the devices which enable them to breathe out of water, units of my people have infiltrated into the towns and cities of the surface. My own daughter is among them . . . She goes by the name of Sorra, and has gained herself a position of trust at the side of your emperor himself. Her task—when the time comes—will be to destroy Trigo ! Meanwhile, back at the Imperial Palace at Trigan City, the Emperor Trigo spoke approvingly to his new secretary You have done your work well, Sorra. I am pleased with you. You are too kind, Imperial Majesty.

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 469 on 9 January 1971.


The Thing from the Sea (continued . . .)

Janno and the others flattened themselves against the rocky ground as the thing from the sea reared high above them. And then . . . Janno ! It's going out to sea again ! Right—we’re going after it ! Quickly ! Propelled by the special high-speed machines on their backs, they followed it. After what seemed an eternity, Janno signalled his companions to halt. Before their eyes lay the secret thing that menaced Elekton. Janno had seen all he needed to know. He made the pre- arranged signal for their return.
And then, Zatti raised his hands— krakkk -krakk !— a strange, stunning force sparked out from his fingertips ! Presently, alien forms emerged from the massive shape on the sea-bed. The three unconscious Trigans were carried away. After three days had passed, the Emperor summoned his brother Brag, who was Janno's father. They have not returned from their mission. I fear we must accept that Janno and his comrades have perished in the course of duty. Later, he called for one of the palace secretaries. I will dictate further plans for the location and destruction of the menace. You will send copies to the captains of my armed forces. Yes, Imperial Majesty. By the way, you are new here, are you not ? Yes, Imperial Majesty— my name is Sorra. That night, the girl called Sorra slept submerged in the water of the palace baths ! She belonged to the same alien race as Zatti !

This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 468 on 2 January 1971.