Posted on October 21, 2022October 21, 2022The Curse of King Yutta (continued . . .) The piece of cloth was taken to Peric’s laboratory. I have subjected it to all the usual tests. The material is unbelievably ancient. As old as King Yutta’s tomb. Then, by all the demons in Daveli, how did it get into my bedchamber ? The great scientist’s answer chilled the blood in their veins. That I cannot answer for certain, Imperial Majesty. But it is the kind of material used in the preparation of royal mummies. It could be that your assailant was—The Mummy of King Yutta ! The “King’s Curse” was the sensation of Elekton. The views of prominent citizens were eagerly canvassed. Councillor Rothi, it was you who proposed the motion to place the mummy and its treasures on public display. Do you feel that you may have brought down the curse upon your head ? Don’t talk rubbish, fellow ! The bluff, no-nonsense councillor Rothi took off in his private air craft—and disappeared from the sight of men ! The wreckage of his craft was washed up on the shore of the Great Ocean, a lunar month later. This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 562 on 21 October 1972.
Posted on September 16, 2022December 21, 2023The Fiendish Experiment (continued . . .) The water ebbed towards Janno. Then—krakkk !—He was flung into the air by a stunning electrical charge ! Eeeeeeaaaghh ! Vella materialised from his own volume of water. I had an idea that his Imperial Majesty would try to trick me. Too bad you got yourself landed with the job, Janno ! He was picked up—together with the money—by his accomplice. By the stars ! That two million zersts was easily earned ! This is only the beginning, Zerros my friend. We shall soon be the richest fellows on Elekton ! It was some days before Janno recovered consciousness in a Trigan City clinic. Tell us anything you can remember, Janno. Any clue—however seemingly unimportant —could be vital. Water . . . the water came towards me . . . It seemed to have . . . a life of its own ! Something clicked in Peric’s brilliant mind. Water, and alive ? My invention ! That diabolical experiment I stumbled upon ! The great scientist hurried round to his laboratory. Gone ! The red folder containing my notes and diagrams ! Meanwhile, in Vella’s apartment . . . Your method is almost foolproof, Vella. Provided you don’t fall into the trap of over-confidence, you will never be caught ! My method, as you call it, is completely foolproof ! And there is no limit to what I can accomplish ! For instance, take the King of Daveli —that unfortunate monarch whose crown jewels I have already purloined —who is flying home tomorrow after his disastrous state visit . . . . . . I intend to kidnap him and hold him for ransom ! 7 The following morning, the Emperor bade farewell to his guest, the King of Daveli. Your Majesty, it grieves me that your visit has been marred by the loss of your jewels. But be assured that no effort will be spared to recover them. I thank you, Imperial Majesty. The royal air liner soared skywards. It was some time later that the King noticed water seeping into his compartment. Strange . . . Then, before his astonished eyes, a figure materialised from the water . . . Fasten your seat belt, you royal barbarian ! You are going for a ride ! Aaaaah ! Who are . . . you ? An instant later, the terrified monarch was ejected from his air liner ! Eeeeaaaaaaghhh ! This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 557 on 16 September 1972.
Posted on August 26, 2022May 5, 2024The Fiendish Experiment (continued . . .) From the split hull of the stricken fighter- craft there emerged a thin trickle of water. Then the water . . . Became . . . Vella ! In addition to all the other advantages, I now find that I am indestructible ! Janno had landed his own craft, and was among the first to arrive on the scene of the crash. I killed him—my own comrade —with my idiotic carelessness ! I’ll never forgive myself—never ! Then . . . Vella ! But—you’re alive ? As you see, Janno. But how could he have got out ? The cockpit cover’s still jammed on ! There’s not a mark on you, Vella ! It’s a miracle, that’s what it is—a miracle ! This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 554 on 26 August 1972.