Posted on July 20, 2024July 22, 2024The Secret Assassin In the translucent depths of the sea off Tharv, a lone hunter was closing with his prey. All at once, the hunter found himself —the hunted ! Knocked unconscious by a shock-projectile, the victim was connected to a grab . . . And lifted aboard a waiting sea-craft. Later, when he had recovered consciousness . . . See here, you—whoever you are ! Who I am is of no importance to you ! I apologise for interrupting your sport, but I have need of your very special services. Who do you want me to kill— and for how much ? The Emperor Trigo ! For half a million thullars ! Cash in advance ! This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 653 on 20 July 1974.
Posted on June 22, 2024July 1, 2024The Elixir of Youth (continued . . .) This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 649 on 22 June 1974.
Posted on June 8, 2024July 1, 2024The Elixir of Youth (continued . . .) Narrod, are you all right ? You’re lucky to be alive, I can tell you ! My sight failed me, and my reactions were too slow at that corner ! I’m finished ! I shall never get into a race-auto again ! Once he held every speed record on Elekton ! Well, old age gets us all in the end ! A lifetime of record-breaking had made Narrod a planet-wide celebrity and a millionaire. But he went back to his luxurious villa in black despair. My life is finished. I may still live on for years . . . . . . If you can call it living ! Why not end it all now ? A visitor requesting to see you, Master. His name is Mallo. Not the Mallo, who won the Vorg wrestling crown at the Imperial Games ? Show him in, Zapp. My, how I envy you, my boy. Do you know I won the Vorg wrestling crown three times when I was your age ! What wouldn’t I give to be young again ! You can be young again, Narrod ! Youth lies within this phial and it can be yours ! . . . . . . For a million thullars !—Cash ! This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 647 on 8 June 1974.