Posted on January 29, 2022February 20, 2024The Prisoner of Zerss (continued . . .) Every day brought a fresh disaster. The climax came when a fighting-craft of the Trigan Air Fleet was shot down by its own coastal battery. The pilot was Janno, who managed to eject and land safely. That was close ! I nearly joined my illustrious ancestors then ! The news was brought to the Emperor, whose powerful countenance was beginning to show the strain of his ordeal. There’s no telling how or why it happened. The officer who gave the order to open fire has disappeared without trace. The arch-fiend is behind it, as always ! Brag— we’ve got to stop him ! What is this secret weapon he’s using against my empire ? Only one man alive has the brain to answer that, brother—Peric ! Peric ? The man who helped the fiend to escape ? Must I set him free ? Ah, Brag, I must try every means possible, I suppose . . . A message was sent out to the prison island of Zerss, and the strange cell was lowered from the sky. This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 524 on 29 January 1972.
Posted on September 18, 2021July 2, 2024The Duplication Machine (continued . . .) Reaching the Trigan coast well ahead of the Caton air fleet, the duplicate Janno dropped flares and fired his guns. That should wake up the defences ! A cease-fire was in operation, but the Trigan coastal gunners quickly roused themselves. It’s a Caton craft !—Sound the alarm ! Action stations ! The evil triumvirate who ruled Cato were also in the craft. One of them struck wildly at the duplicate Janno. Fool—Get away from here ! Do you want to get us all killed ? With no hands on the controls, the craft swerved towards the coast. Open fire ! Meanwhile, the alarm had reached Trigan City—and the fighting craft of the air fleet were screeching up into the dawn sky. All-unsuspecting, the Caton fleet flew into a trap. Silhouetted against Elekton’s rising suns, they were mauled to tatters by the Trigans ! The war was over ! Later that day, a Trigan naval patrol craft found an unconscious figure lying on the shore of a lonely islet. By the stars !— It’s Lord Janno, the Emperor’s nephew ! In due course, Robi was brought from Cato and questioned by Peric. He confessed his secret to the great scientist. I think his Imperial Majesty will agree with me when I say that your execution or imprisonment will only deprive Elekton of a brain it cannot afford to lose. But the infernal duplicating device will be destroyed— and you will speak of it to no one ! Never, master !— I promise you ! One thing puzzles me—is the Janno who was found on that lonely beach the original Janno, or the duplicate Janno ? That we shall never know for sure, Imperial Majesty ! And neither will he ! As to the circumstances leading up to his crash, his mind is a blank ! A statue was erected in the great square of Trigan City to the Lord Janno who saved the Empire at the cost of his own life. Janno often pondered on the great question mark of his life. Am I the original me— or my own duplicate ? This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 505 on 18 September 1971.
Posted on September 11, 2021January 19, 2022The Duplication Machine (continued . . .) This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 504 on 11 September 1971.