The Food of the Gods (continued . . .)

You can’t go in there ! The next instant . . . Aaaaaaaaagggh ! The commander of the outpost was still in bed. He was rudely awakened when his door was kicked open. By all the demons of Daveli ! Get up . . . or perish where you lie. Later, back at Trigan City Army Headquarters. Outpost seven haven’t reported-in this morning, Sir. Can’t get any reply out of them. Get me Air Fleet operations room . . . emergency ! The Emperor’s nephew, Janno, was a duty pilot that fateful morning. Get airborne ! Fly to outpost seven ! Land and report the situation there ! Acknowledged.
It was a short ultra-sonic hop to the clearing in the forest of Vorg where the outpost lay. The place looks perfectly normal from here. He landed and climbed out of his craft—to be immediately surrounded. What are you lads doing here ? The outpost is ours. We have— eliminated the garrison. You, however, can be of some use to us. Later that morning, Janno’s fighting-craft came in for touch-down at its base. Here comes Janno. Now we’ll find out why he hasn’t reported-in about the situation at outpost seven. At the last moment, the fighting-craft turned sharply . . . What’s Janno doing ? . . . and dived to the attack !

This instalment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 663 on 28 September 1974.


The Elixir of Youth (continued . . .)

That morning, Mallo went to the Trigan City amphitheatre to watch two exponents of the ancient Vorg art of sword-fighting. Defend yourself, Luccus ! Strike at him, Kella ! Coaching them was Crillus, the greatest living professional sword-fighter. Enough ! You have lost the bout, Luccus ! In the bad old days, you would now be despatched ! Turning, the old warrior saw the newcomer. Its young Mallo, winner of the wrestling crown. Come to see me teaching what I can no longer practise, eh, lad ? You could still do it, Crillus ! You could still defeat every swordsman who came before you . . . . . . But it would cost you money ! . . . Big money ! Just what are you driving at ? You heard that Narrod broke the all-time air race-craft record yesterday ? Yes ! A man my own age ! I could scarcely believe my ears ! What of it ? Mallo explained . . . Are you trying to tell me that all I have to do is drink this green liquid and—like Narrod—I shall be young again ? Yes ! Don’t take my word for it. Take it home and try it ! The going price is a million thullars—the same as I charged Narrod !

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 650 on 29 June 1974.