The Elixir of Youth (continued . . .)

That morning, Mallo went to the Trigan City amphitheatre to watch two exponents of the ancient Vorg art of sword-fighting. Defend yourself, Luccus ! Strike at him, Kella ! Coaching them was Crillus, the greatest living professional sword-fighter. Enough ! You have lost the bout, Luccus ! In the bad old days, you would now be despatched ! Turning, the old warrior saw the newcomer. Its young Mallo, winner of the wrestling crown. Come to see me teaching what I can no longer practise, eh, lad ? You could still do it, Crillus ! You could still defeat every swordsman who came before you . . . . . . But it would cost you money ! . . . Big money ! Just what are you driving at ? You heard that Narrod broke the all-time air race-craft record yesterday ? Yes ! A man my own age ! I could scarcely believe my ears ! What of it ? Mallo explained . . . Are you trying to tell me that all I have to do is drink this green liquid and—like Narrod—I shall be young again ? Yes ! Don’t take my word for it. Take it home and try it ! The going price is a million thullars—the same as I charged Narrod !

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 650 on 29 June 1974.


The Elixir of Youth

They came from all over the sprawling Trigan Empire, to witness the Imperial Games in the capital’s mammoth amphitheatre. We bring you a report on the ten thousand tellar foot race ! Coming up for the last lap, Zampha of Tharv is in the lead . . . The high spot of the games was the classic Vorg wrestling. Finalists were a Trigan named Mallo and a Daveli named Heller. You have him, Heller ! Do something, Mallo ! Mallo turned the tables on his bigger opponent, with a throw that thrilled the crowd and won him the crown ! The Emperor crowned the young victor, and spoke kindly to him. I hear that you are a promising scientist, Mallo. You must come and be Peric’s assistant. I would count that a great honour, Imperial Majesty ! I shall be delighted. That doddering old fool can’t last for long, then I shall be head of the Imperial Research Laboratory— with plenty of chances to line my purse ! And so, the scheming youth went to work with Peric, Elekton’s top scientist. What is this experiment ? Merely a forlorn attempt to rejuvenate this poor rorn, who has given so many years’ good service as a laboratory animal . . .
That night, while Peric was working on his experiment, there was a shattering explosion ! Aaaaaaaaaghhh ! No one heard the crash and the old scientist lay unconscious until dawn. He crossed over to inspect the damage. It was then that Peric saw his own reflection.

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 645 on 25 May 1974.