The Curse of King Yutta (continued . . .)

And then . . . Eeeeaaaagghhhh ! They found him next morning . . . Who could have done this ? And why ? And that was not all. Aaaaaah ! King Yutta has gone ! That same day, Ricci, one of the two wealthy Trigan businessmen who had been the first to enter the forbidden tomb, was being driven home to his villa. Suddenly, the driver saw . . . something ! Eeeaaaaagggghh ! They brought the news of the disaster to the Emperor. . . . Is the curse of Yutta coming true already ? “They who defile the resting place of the King shall swiftly perish !” . . .

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 560 on 7 October 1972.


The Wish-Fulfiller (continued . . .)

It was nearly dawn when Janno and his father were escorted home in an army fighting machine. What a night. You look tired and fed-up, Father. I am, lad. Nothing would please me more than to retire and go and farm our estates in the country. Someone was waiting for Brag in the shadows of his room !

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 542 on 3 June 1972.


The Wish-Fulfiller

Yarri Zemph was given the job. In the days that followed, he worked long hours at his Ministry. Good evening, Minister. Good evening, driver. Take me straight home, please. Hidden eyes watched his progress. Subject leaving the Ministry now . . . proceeding in the direction of his residence . . .

This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 541 on 27 May 1972.