Posted on February 10, 2023February 10, 2023The Lost Years (continued . . .) This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 578 on 10 February 1973.
Posted on December 30, 2022November 8, 2023The Lost Years (continued . . .) In the worst part of Trigan City was a low haunt given over to the illegal sport of colli-baiting. One night, a stranger entered . . . Who are you, and what do you want ? All strangers were suspect in that evil den. Er—I’m looking for a fellow named Rocco. He’s big and bearded. Perhaps you know him ? Rocco ? Never heard the name ! Be off with you ! Narri walked away down the ill-lit alleyway. I’ve searched everywhere for him, and that was my last hope. It’s no use ! And then . . . it happened ! Aaaaaeeeeghhhh . . . Who are you, eh ? A police spy ? Why are you searching for me, hey ? I . . . I heard that you were looking for somewhere to live and . . . and I might be able to help you ! The big man released Narri. I’m thinking of leaving my place, see ? And I might let you have it cheaply. It’s true my place burnt down the other day. Let me know when you leave, eh ? You can always find me at the colli-baiting. Narri went on his way, a great dread in his heart. It really wasn’t a dream. It will all happen ! Rocco will take over my house, just as I saw him. You can’t change the future ! Back home, he looked down at the tiny sapling by his door. That will grow up into a tall tree, just as I saw it in the future. The Trigan Empire will fall, and the tyrant will take over ! It’s all inevitable ! And then . . . with a sudden flash of inspiration . . . It’s not inevitable ! This sapling won’t grow into a tree, for a start ! My fore-knowledge has enabled me to destroy the sapling and change the future, so I can change the course of other future events ! With my fore-knowledge, I can save the Trigan Empire ! Early next morning, the Emperor Trigo and his young nephew Janno were at swordplay exercise in a courtyard of the Imperial Palace. Hah ! Well done, lad ! You improve daily ! Suddenly, a figure leapt from the top of the high wall ! Cut him down ! Imperial Majesty ! Narri struggled forward and threw himself at the feet of his Emperor. Who is this fellow ? He’s obviously mad ! You are in danger, Imperial Majesty. Only I can save you ! You must listen to me . . . This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 572 on 30 December 1972.
Posted on December 23, 2022December 25, 2022The Lost Years (continued . . .) One small detail disturbed his contentment . . . Strange ! In my night- mare, there was a tall young tree here—and here’s a sapling that will grow into just such a tree in about three years’ time ! And I hadn’t noticed it before. Later that year, on Air-Fleet Day, the Trigan Empire was given over to a national holiday. Narri and his family joined the jubilant crowds. Here comes the Air Fleet ! The pride of the Trigan Empire flashed over the great city in faultless formation. As part of the celebrations, a certain ceremony was held in the throne-room of the Imperial Palace. Ossan, I appoint you Marshal-in-Chief of the Trigan Air Fleet . . . Narri saw it relayed, live—along with thousands of others—in the Great Square. Its Ossan ! The traitor ! The one who wiped out the Imperial Family and set himself up as Dictator ! It was then that Narri realised what had happened to him. Narri ! What’s come over you ? Everyone’s staring at us ! It’s just as Roffa told it to me ! Only, it’s all in the future ! When I fell asleep on that mountain side, I was granted a vision of what will be taking place here in three years’ time ! This installment was originally published in Look and Learn issue no. 571 on 23 December 1972.